July 10, 2010

Dishless Society

Aren't you sick and tired of washing dishes? I sure am and that's why I'd like to propose the concept of a dishless society. Granted we'd still need pots and pans to cook and bake with, but once it gets to the table, why bother with dishes? Just put the food directly onto the table and once you're done eating, simply wipe the table clean. Think how much time this would save. Soups would just have to be eaten very fast before running over the edge, perhaps with a straw.


  1. Uh.....I'm not sure I agree with this idea. It's pretty disgusting even. I'd rather wash the dishes, thank you. Thank goodness for dishwashers and/or paper plates.

  2. Well, yes it could get a little messy, however if one learns a few tricks of the trade such as the art of mashed potato levees and table tilting manipulation I think one can adapt.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

