September 22, 2009

Avis Urbanus

You would think that it would be easy to get a bunch of ornithologists excited about my historic bird discovery but so far, no one seems to be interested. Fine, I don't mind taking all the credit, but they better not complain when I appear on the cover of National Geographic with my discovery. I seem to have come across a new bird species. Now I admit, I haven't exactly seen one yet, but I have heard them. They seem to nest quite frequently at urban intersections, especially those with stop lights. In fact, I think they actually make their nests somewhere inside the stop light itself. I notice this bird makes two types of sounds or calls. I believe the adult makes a distinct "cuckoo-cuckoo" sound while the chicks seem to respond to the adults by making a vibrant "chirp-chirp" sound. The only thing I have come up with so far is an artist's rendition of this magnificent bird, and since no one else seems interested I have given it a tentative name of Avis Urbanus. I'm sure once I get an actual photograph, then the bird enthusiasts will come knocking at my door. In the mean time I guess I'm on my own climbing up these stop light poles with my camera. Sure the gawkers may get their jollies looking up at me, but my discovery will be well worth it. Anyone want to take the night shift?

1 comment:

  1. This post reminds me of our zoo trip of '86, as recorded in the treasured home video collection. My Dad zoomed the camera in on you, huffing and puffing as you pulled the wagon up a hill. Then he panned out to reveal me, lying on my side with my head propped up on my hand, enjoying the sights, and totally oblivious to your exertion, and also oblivious to the fact that I was being made the brunt of your joke. There are many such humorous moments in those videos, probably from all the years you and Dad had practicing with each other.

