December 31, 2009

Common Sense

This blog is usually on the humorous side, at least I try to make it somewhat funny, but this entry is actually serious.

As I read/ watch the news regarding these full body scanners being implemented at airports due to suicide bomber threats on airplanes, it just makes my blood boil. Why should we have to go through such indignity at the airport when we all know these threats always come from Muslim Extremists? And so far, it sure seems like they are all men between 18 and 50. Forgive me for sounding politically incorrect, but let's start using common sense at airports.

It is time that we single out these people who fit the profile of these bombers. Let's have them thoroughly screened at airports. I realize that most of these people are good and decent so yes, what a shame for this group to have to be inconvenienced and humiliated. But why should grandma and the rest of us be?

1 comment:

  1. Galen, I agree with you. Racial profiling might be necessary in cases such as this, but I can't see it happening because being politically correct seems to trump common sense.

